フェーズ シーズン1『第6話』動画視聴する方法をご紹介

第6話 エピソード 51分

  • 原題
    Episode #1.6



The reborn Sarah has some nasty habits - like trying to kill Mark - which drive him away with Vicky whilst Sarah realises she would prefer to be released and pass over. John and his evil Fades roam the deserted streets of the evacuated town looking for flesh to revitalise themselves.The increasingly obsessive Neil,having abducted Mac as a pressuriser on Paul to help him,shoots Jay,feeling she would divert Paul from his mission before he is shot by John. After John has let slip that the Ascension Point,the opening of which will destroy the Fades is in the shopping mall...










シーズン1 エピソード

フェーズ シリーズ一覧

FADES/フェーズ シーズン1 動画

シーズン 1
