ザ・フォロイング シーズン1『第3話』動画視聴する方法をご紹介

第3話 『ポーの仮面』 43分

  • 原題
    The Poet's Fire



Ryan's belief that that Joe Carroll has more acolytes than the six they have so far identified is proved correct when a street performer - wearing an Edgar Allan Poe mask - sets a man on fire and then disappears into the crowd. Using CCTV, they soon identify the attacker as Rick Kester. They question his wife who says her husband, from whom she is separated, is dangerous but that she also has little idea where he might be found. Ryan realizes that the dead man was one of Carroll's critics. Meanwhile, relations among Joey's kidnappers continues to deteriorate. Paul and...













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シーズン 3
