シャドウ・ライン〜誰が麻薬王を殺したのか シーズン1『第6話』動画視聴する方法をご紹介

第6話 エピソード 51分

  • 原題
    Episode #1.6



Glickman meets Gabriel,telling him that Gatehouse will give him the answers he needs but to beware that Gatehouse will use his 'secrets' to hurt him. Gabriel assumes that this means his ex-mistress Alison and her son and,after visiting retired commander Penney and mentioned 'Counterpoint' as instructed by Glickman, Gabriel is visited by Gatehouse at Alison's flat. Gatehouse explains that he killed Delaney because he was corrupt and deliberately spared Gabriel himself. He is interrupted by Glickman and,in a further shoot-out,Alison's son is killed and Gatehouse wounded...








シーズン1 エピソード

シャドウ・ライン〜誰が麻薬王を殺したのか シリーズ一覧

シャドウ・ライン~誰が麻薬王を殺したのか シーズン1 動画

シーズン 1
