ブロードチャーチ 〜殺意の町〜 シーズン1『第7話』動画視聴する方法をご紹介

第7話 『同僚の裏切り』 46分

  • 原題
    Episode #1.7



Hardy wakes in hospital and confesses to Ellie that he has heart arrhythmia but feels he must see the case through and quickly returns to work. He later tells Maggie and Olly that it was his ex- wife, also a police officer, who ruined the Gillespie case and he took the blame for her. Ellie questions Susan, who mistrusts the police after her husband killed their daughter and hanged himself in prison. She is certain that, whilst out walking her dog at night and smoking cigarettes, she saw Nige bring Danny's body ashore in a boat. She also informs the police that she ...












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ブロードチャーチ 〜殺意の町〜 シリーズ一覧

ブロードチャーチ ~殺意の町~ シーズン2 動画

シーズン 2


ブロードチャーチ ~殺意の町~ シーズン1 動画

シーズン 1
