DEFIANCE/ディファイアンス シーズン2『第5話』動画視聴する方法をご紹介

第5話 『癒えない心』 42分

  • 原題
    Putting the Damage On

アマンダを脅かす謎の人物。その正体は? 真相はある陰謀にあった。その影響はアマンダだけでなく、ポッティンガーやユール医師にも…


Amanda is being stalked by a man who managed to get into her room. She manages to defend herself but tells Nolan that she was attacked in New York 5 years ago. When Nolan apparently accosts her in an alleyway, she wonders if she is hallucinating. Datak Tarr is recovering from his beating and visits the house. Christie is not pleased to see him, especially after what he did to Alak. Datak sets out to rebuild his empire. Rafe has moved in with his daughter at Stahma's house and is having some trouble getting use to their customs. Someone from Doc Yewl's past arrives in ...



シーズン2 エピソード

DEFIANCE/ディファイアンス シリーズ一覧

DEFIANCE/ディファイアンス シーズン1 動画

シーズン 1


DEFIANCE/ディファイアンス シーズン2 動画

シーズン 2
