
第5話 『第5話』 53分

  • 原題
    Episode #1.5



Gemma contrives to embarrass her rival at an awkward dinner party with the woman's family - where she exposes Simon's infidelity and his financial chicanery before moving on to exert revenge on her online detractor, though this time she does not succeed. Satisfied that she has broken Simon and alienated their son from him her obsession with vengeance gets out of hand, leading to a violent confrontation before matters are resolved.

シーズン1 エピソード


女医フォスター 夫の情事、私の決断 シーズン1 動画

シーズン 1

男たちはなぜ“危険な果実”を求めるのか? 若い肉体に溺れる夫の秘密に美人女医がメスを入れる! まさに英国のことわざ“さげすまれた女の恨みほど怖いものはない”を物語る、愛する夫に裏切られた女の復讐劇!