病理医クワーク シーズン1『第2話』動画視聴する方法をご紹介

第2話 『溺れる白鳥』 90分

  • 原題
    The Silver Swan



Mal is still angry with Quirke for revealing Phoebe's true paternity and blames him for her quitting medical school to work in a hat shop. Here she meets louche Leslie White, manager of the Silver Swan beauty salon who is having an affair with Deirdre, wife of pharmaceutical rep Billy Hunt, a former student of Quirke. Deirdre is addicted to tranquillizers in return for which she agrees to pose for nude photos which White uses to blackmail her. At the same time Quirke deals with the suicide of housewife Geraldine Millican, who like Deirdre posed nude to get her tablets...



シーズン1 エピソード

病理医クワーク シリーズ一覧

病理医クワーク シーズン1 動画

シーズン 1
