フラッシュフォワード シーズン1『第2話』動画視聴する方法をご紹介

第2話 『未来のカケラ』 47分

  • 原題
    White to Play



The FBI begin to acquire vital clues about the blackout. The web site they've established leads them to Utah and eventually to the conclusion that there were at at least two people awake during the blackout. Mark Benford is more convinced than ever that his wife Olivia's vision, that she will take up with another man, is inevitable after she meets the man, Lloyd Simcoe, while treating his son at the hospital. Olivia insists that she will never love anyone but him but Mark's attitude may turn the vision into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Demetri Noh gets more information...





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2009年10月6日 全人類が2分17秒の間、同時に意識を失う―。その間、彼らが見たものは、2010年4月29日午後10時の出来事、すなわち自分の未来だった。もし、自分の未来を垣間見ることが出来てしまったら?そして、その未来が望むものと違ったら?人はその時、未来を変えるべく何を犠牲にし、運命にいかに立ち向かうのか―?