エレメンタリー ホームズ&ワトソン in NY シーズン1『第9話』動画視聴する方法をご紹介

第9話 『瞳の中の暗殺者』 43分

  • 原題
    You Do It to Yourself



Oriental studies professor Trent Annunzio was killed with a bullet in each eye. Sherlock works out he was a Mahjong gambling addict and in which establishment, where he forces the owner to hand over secret video recordings. Those identify Raul Ramirez, but he was hired anonymously. prime suspect is Trent's academic assistant Brendan O'Brien, whose career he sabotages recently by recommending against an Ivy league promotion, and who has an affair with Trent's Thai wife Jun Annunzio. Sherlock works out the hidden truth and meanwhile gives Watson the decisive push to ...



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エレメンタリー ホームズ&ワトソン in NY シーズン1 動画

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