NCIS ネイビー犯罪捜査班 シーズン1『第3話』動画視聴する方法をご紹介
第3話 『船乗りの真実』 42分
- 原題
- Seadog
第3話 『船乗りの真実』 42分
A boat carrying alone the body of a commander in the US Navy runs aground on a beach in northern Virginia; two other bodies wash ashore not far away. The NCIS gang investigate all three deaths; with the collaboration of DEA Special Agent Kent Fuller and FBI Special Agent T.C. Fornell, they first consider drug involvement, pursuing several leads and using some inventive questioning techniques. The two civilian bodies bore waist packs stuffed with counterfeit bills, which Kate traces through a friend in another federal agency; the origin of the phony money leads the ...