クリミナル・マインド/FBI vs. 異常犯罪 シーズン7『第13話』動画視聴する方法をご紹介

第13話 『愛しきナンバー8』 41分

  • 原題
    Snake Eyes



Early on a Sunday morning, a just woken up and extremely hung over Garcia is lamenting the fact of the huge argument she and Kevin had the previous night. Not one to face confrontation head on, she is not looking forward to her first post-fight talk with Kevin, which will happen sooner than later as she can hear that he will soon be finished his shower. That talk will be complicated by the person knocking on her front door. Meanwhile, the team is called to Atlantic City, New Jersey, where Danny Savino, a casino floor manager, was found dead in his office by a severe ...









シーズン7 エピソード

クリミナル・マインド/FBI vs. 異常犯罪 シリーズ一覧