ダメージ シーズン3『第2話』動画視聴する方法をご紹介
第2話 『イニシャル D・M・Mの女』 42分
- 原題
- The Dog Is Happier Without Her
第2話 『イニシャル D・M・Mの女』 42分
Having been told by his father that some money from investors has been hidden for the family's use, Joe Tobin struggles with whether he should tell Patty Hewes or conspire with his father. Tom Shayes tracks the telephone number given them by Joe Tobin to a cellphone now in possession of a homeless man who found it in a dumpster. He also finds a pair of expensive boots belonging to Louis Tobin and a trail of expenses suggesting the man had a mistress with the initials DMM. He turns to Ellen for help in identifying the her. Shayes also receives some devastating news ...