アントラージュ★オレたちのハリウッド シーズン4『第3話』動画視聴する方法をご紹介
第3話 『マリブーティ』 27分
- 原題
- Malibooty
第3話 『マリブーティ』 27分
While Eric is trying to figure out how to fix Medellin, Billy submits it to Cannes, a move that will make it difficult for Vince to find work if it is rejected. Drama has a date with a woman he has desired for years, and brings Turtle along for her friend, who turns out to be an older woman. While he reluctantly agrees to continue on with the date, it's Drama who ends up with her. Vince finds himself at Dennis Hopper's house where he bets on a soccer match, with money he doesn't have.