プライミーバル シーズン5『第5話』動画視聴する方法をご紹介
第5話 『終焉のはじまり』 44分
- 原題
- Episode #5.5
第5話 『終焉のはじまり』 44分
As the team explains to James that Burton was in league with Helen Cutter in wishing to return the world to its primeval state a huge T Rex which has come through one of his anomalies and is on the rampage in London needs their attention. Anomalies are opening the world over and Burton leaves Connor to die at one nearer home though fortunately Abby comes to the rescue. The team tries in vain to get Burton to close down his New Dawn machine but,after pterodactyls have seen off April,Burton closes all the other anomalies worldwide putting all their power into a huge one...