トゥルーブラッド シーズン5『第12話』動画視聴する方法をご紹介
第12話 『再誕』 54分
- 原題
- Save Yourself
第12話 『再誕』 54分
【シーズン5 最終話】遂に統治局を打倒し、そしてビルが人間性を失わないように、捨て身のミッションに赴くエリック。アンディは自分の作ったライト・パクトの悪影響と対峙することに。アルシードはJDとの二度目の対決のため、ぬかりない準備をする。
Russell Edgington may have found his ideal place when he discovers the faerie nightclub but the faeries, Sookie included, have no intention of letting him have his way. They get a bit of help from Eric and his sister Nora. Once Russell is dealt with, Eric, Nora, Tara, Sookie and Jason decides to attack the Authority to free Pam and Jessica and hopefully save Bill as well. At the Authority, Bill is playing out his ruse of accepting Salome as the chosen one. He has his own plans however to create his empire. Meanwhile, Sheriff Andy Bellefleur's pregnant faerie ...