アボンリーへの道 シーズン6『第7話』動画視聴する方法をご紹介
第7話 『ないしょの内職』 44分
- 原題
- A Fox Tale
第7話 『ないしょの内職』 44分
イライザおばさんとダニエルが2週間も家を空けて 、ジャネットは時間を持て余していた。内職の募集に応募すると、突然、完成前の野球ボールとミシンが送られてくる。
Felix is taking a leave of absence from his work at the White Sands to take charge of the farm work while Alec and Janet are away. But after Digger chases after a couple of foxes in the woods and after Aunt Eliza reads about the high price of fox stoles, Felix has the idea to raise foxes as a business putting the farm work aside, which is much to Felicity and Aunt Eliza's chagrin both for Felix abdicating his responsibilities and endangering the lives of the other farm livestock. He plans to start with those two foxes and breed them. After Felix tells her his plans, ...