刑事ジョー パリ犯罪捜査班 シーズン1『第2話』動画視聴する方法をご紹介

第2話 『エッフェル塔の殺人』 47分

  • 原題



During fashion week, the barely-alive body of a glamorous former model is found hanging in the upper levels of the Eiffel towers iron structure. At first, her lover's estranged wife is suspected he apparently wanted to leave the model to return to the mother of his children, but the model refused to let him go. But then Jo finds another trail that leads to a 22-year-old stripper in Pigalle, dancing in a Josephine Baker revue. The stripper is the dead model's illegitimate daughter she gave up for adoption at birth.








シーズン1 エピソード

刑事ジョー パリ犯罪捜査班 シリーズ一覧

刑事ジョー パリ犯罪捜査班 動画

刑事ジョー パリ犯罪捜査班
