刑事ジョー パリ犯罪捜査班 シーズン1『第7話』動画視聴する方法をご紹介

第7話 『オペラ座の毒 』 48分

  • 原題
    The Opera



On a sunny afternoon after taking his daughter to her ballet lesson, a middle-aged man gets stabbed on the steps of the Palais Garnier. The victim is an economist and a family man, and everything suggests the murder was random. Soon after however, a teaching assistant to a Political Science professor is found stabbed to death in a similar fashion on a subway train at Barbes-Rochechouart Metro station. Jo finds out that the two murders have parallels in political crimes history and the victims are linked with a mysterious Political Science grad student.







シーズン1 エピソード

刑事ジョー パリ犯罪捜査班 シリーズ一覧

刑事ジョー パリ犯罪捜査班 動画

刑事ジョー パリ犯罪捜査班
