刑事ジョー パリ犯罪捜査班 シーズン1『第4話』動画視聴する方法をご紹介

第4話 『アンヴァリッドの罠』 48分

  • 原題



35-year-old Mirage fighter pilot Charlotte Dumas is found dead inside Les Invalides wearing a ring stolen in a notorious unsolved murder of a family in Southern France. A person of interest at the time of the LeGoffs killing, a mechanic in Charlotte's crew who had a relationship with 17-year old Sybil, which her father disapproved of. A successful supplier of the air base, his body was the only one missing after the murder. Convinced that the mechanic did kill the LeGoffs, Jo starts unraveling a setup. The mechanic is actually being framed by Jean Francois LeGoff, who...







シーズン1 エピソード

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刑事ジョー パリ犯罪捜査班 動画

刑事ジョー パリ犯罪捜査班
