Life 真実へのパズル シーズン2『第10話』動画視聴する方法をご紹介

第10話 『邪悪という名の男』 41分

  • 原題
    Evil... and His Brother Ziggy



When a Deputy Sheriff is found murdered on sovereign tribal lands, the LAPD is called in to investigate as a neutral third party between the tribal police and the county Sheriff. The Deputy in question, John Hawes, was well-known but maybe not so well-liked. Tribal police say nearly everyone wanted him dead. Reese and Crews are certain that a new casino and the riches that flow from it are central to the murder. Meanwhile, Charlie continues to meet Mickey Rayborn but doesn't make much headway on the conspirators who framed him. Rachel Seybolt is starting to demand ...






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Life 真実へのパズル シリーズ一覧

Life 真実へのパズル シーズン1 動画

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Life 真実へのパズル シーズン2 動画

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