Life 真実へのパズル シーズン2『第18話』動画視聴する方法をご紹介

第18話 『3人の女』 43分

  • 原題
    3 Women



Charlie tries to figure out the photo that shows Reese meeting Raybourne a few days before his apparent death. He then gets assigned a new partner, Jane Seever, who is nothing like Reese. They catch an ex-con fleeing a murder scene. The victim was a young woman with whom the man, John, had been writing letters when he was in prison. The man claims the girl was dead when he got there. They started dating when he got out. John confesses that he had been writing to another woman as well, but stopped doing it when he got out. The woman had become upset. At FBI, Reese is ...






シーズン2 エピソード

Life 真実へのパズル シリーズ一覧

Life 真実へのパズル シーズン1 動画

シーズン 1


Life 真実へのパズル シーズン2 動画

シーズン 2
