Life 真実へのパズル シーズン2『第4話』動画視聴する方法をご紹介

第4話 『監獄実験』 43分

  • 原題
    Not for Nothing



Crews and Reese investigate the murder of a university student who was killed during a social science experiment. In the sociology study, 20 students are divided into two groups, prison guards and prisoners and they are to play their roles for 5 days. In the closed environment of the simulated prison, it is evident that the killer is one of the students. What they learn however is that the professor in charge of the study hasn't quite followed the protocol for this type of experiment. Charlie also learns that the professor has been looking into his own background as ...








シーズン2 エピソード

Life 真実へのパズル シリーズ一覧

Life 真実へのパズル シーズン1 動画

シーズン 1


Life 真実へのパズル シーズン2 動画

シーズン 2
