デトロイト 1−8−7 シーズン1『第11話』動画視聴する方法をご紹介

第11話 『廃ビルの死体/人気女優の顔』 43分

  • 原題
    Ice Man/Malibu



The squad "goes Hollywood," investigating the high profile homicide of a movie star who had been filming in Detroit. Actress Kristin Keller was many things to many people -- a meal ticket to some, a lover to others. But Fitch, Washington and Mason have to unmask her secret life, the life unknown to her fans, to find the murderer. Meanwhile, the strange case of a young homeless man found upside down encased in ice in a shantytown confounds Longford, Mahajan, Stone and Sanchez. The detectives discover that the transient had another totally different life before his ...



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