デトロイト 1−8−7 シーズン1『第9話』動画視聴する方法をご紹介

第9話 『自動車業界の老人/小さな犠牲者』 42分

  • 原題
    Home Invasion/Drive-By



A wealthy, retired auto industry executive, Leland Eckhart, is found murdered in his palatial home in the Boston-Edison area. During the investigation, Longford, Mahajan, Stone and Sanchez are confronted with multiple promising motives, ranging from robbery to jealousy over a possible love affair between his now-distraught widow and an old friend from the Detroit Yacht Club. Meanwhile, Fitch, Washington and Lt. Mason must comfort the terrified Macy family as they stare in disbelief at the body of their 11-year-old boy, Stephon, killed by a drive-by shooter in his best...



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