デトロイト 1−8−7 シーズン1『第15話』動画視聴する方法をご紹介

第15話 『正当防衛/ドラッグクイーン』 43分

  • 原題
    Legacy/Drag City



When Longford and Mahajan are assigned the case of a woman bludgeoned to death, they're in for a few surprises. Upon further inspection, they discover that she was a he, a prominent drag queen in Detroit's drag circuit. Ardent admirers and jealous divas are among the likely suspects as the detectives explore the public and private sides of the victim's life. Elsewhere in Detroit, Fitch and Washington investigate an ex-con's confession that he killed two rival gang members in self-defense. Here too, things are not quite as they seem: There's a secret that the shooter ...




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