デトロイト 1−8−7 シーズン1『第7話』動画視聴する方法をご紹介

第7話 『婚約指輪/ゴミ箱の死体』 43分

  • 原題
    Broken Engagement/Trashman



Stone and Sanchez, dealing with the fallout from their personal attraction, are assigned with Fitch to investigate the murder of successful executive Abigail James from Detroit's "Tech Town." Is this a case of corporate competition gone haywire or the result of a messy love triangle? At the same time, Longford and Washington need to piece together the back story of another fresh murder case -- the lifeless body of a young drug dealer, "Toucan," is discovered in a trash bin, but is it strictly street business or pure personal passion? Meanwhile, Mahajan must search the...




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デトロイト 1−8−7
